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International week Ljubljana

February 16, 2024

In collaboration with the SAFE project University of Ljubljana and the Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia hosted an International Week titled “Enhancing Community Resilience for Current and Future Challenges: Prioritizing Vulnerable Groups and Accessibility”. The main challenge and question of the week was if our interdisciplinary group of scholars and future experts can identify, highlight, and propose necessary changes in the aspects of vulnerable groups, accessibility, encompassing physical accessibility, active citizenship, service access, aging, urban poverty, violence and abuse, urban migration, addiction, inequality, and health? The participated institutions were: Bologna University-Department of Architecture, HafenCity University Hamburg, University for the Built Environment and Metropolitan Development, Laurea University of Applied Sciences,Leibniz University Hannover, Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences, Malmo University-Department of Urban Studies, Politecnico di Milano-Dipartimento di Architettura e Studi Urbani, RS Urban Planning Institute, Université Paris-Est-Créteil-Ecole d’urbanisme de Paris and University of Ljubljana-Faculty of Architecture. Students did an analytical and later a project work process on six specific urban areas in the city of Ljubljana. The workshop started with an analytical part of the workshop which helped the students to get more information and impressions of the areas. Further on they continued with the role-playing and future scenario works. The work week resulted in an exhibition and group presentations of twelve different proposals, which opened up several questions on how to further develop an urban space for all. The event turned out to be a great opportunity to present and disseminate the outcomes of our SAFE project! You can see some highlights from the ISP in the gallery below and check the results under the Activities tab.

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